The hollow glass sector comprises the segments of container glass and tableware glass. There is also a segment which cannot be categorised as either container or tableware glass called “miscellaneous hollow glass”. The following section only pertains to “miscellaneous hollow glass, including tableware glass”. Container glass is a separate category in the BV Glas statistics.
The segment of “miscellaneous hollow glass, including tableware glass” experienced a substantial decline in revenue in 2023. Total revenue was EUR 458 million, which is 28.7 percent lower than in the previous year (2022: EUR 643 million). This is reflected in the production tonnages (minus 17.6 percent) and the production value, which fell by EUR 386 million (2022) to EUR 375 million, corresponding to a decline of 2.7 percent.
Thanks to an improvement in the data situation – data on domestic and foreign sales are now also available – it is possible to determine the import and export quotas again. The value of exports was down to EUR 565 million in 2023 (2022: EUR 570 million), which corresponds to a decline of 0.8 percent. In 2023 the export quota increased to 58.4 percent (2022: 57.8 percent).
The value of imports also declined significantly by 19.7 percent to EUR 548 (2022: EUR 683 million) and is lower than the value of exported products, so the export surplus is EUR 17 million (2022: EUR -113 million). In 2023 the import quota declined to 49.2 percent (2022: 54.5 percent).
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