/Glass Fibre

/Glass Fibre

Glass Fibre

Glass fibre manufacturers (including glass wool/reinforcement fibreglass) generated total revenue of EUR 1.14 billion in 2023. In 2022, revenue in the glass fibre segment declined by 16.7 percent to EUR 1.37 billion. The development of both domestic and foreign revenue was negative. Domestic revenue fell by 19.9 percent to EUR 633 million (2022: EUR 790 million) and foreign revenue by 12.3 percent to EUR 508 million (2022: EUR 579 million).

The export quota was 57.0 percent in 2023, which is lower than in 2022 (55.9 percent). The total export value for this segment fell by 16.1 percent in 2023 to EUR 840 million (2022: EUR 1 billion).

The import quota rose to 62.5 percent (2022: 61.9 percent). In contrast, the value of imports fell (17.8 percent) to EUR 1.05 million in 2023 (2022: EUR 1.28 billion). At EUR -214 million (2022: EUR -281 million) the trade balance is still negative; however it has improved by 24 percent since the previous year.

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40549 Düsseldorf

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